Vassilios (Vasileios) Kourtis

Dr. Vassilios (Vasileios) Kourtis is an Associate Professor of Private International Law at the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree as well his doctorate at the same Faculty of Law. Moreover, he attended courses at postgraduate level in the Netherlands and the Academy of European Law, EUI in Florence, Italy. Before being elected as a lecturer he worked as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law, AUTh as well as a scientific collaborator on a great number of research and teaching projects elaborated in Greece and abroad. He teaches Private International Law, Law of International Transactions and Immigration Law at undergraduate and postgraduate level. During the academic year 2021-2022 he was director of the Dpt. of Int’l Studies, Faculty of Law, AUTh. He is Attorney-at-Law, member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki. He is author of three monographs and a great number of studies on questions of Private International Law lato sensu. For a detailed biographical note and a full list of his written work, please visit the webpage: