Katerina Savvaidou


Katerina Savvaidou is Associate Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Tax Policy and Administration.

She studied law at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 1995, before pursuing postgraduate studies at the University of Panteon-Assas in Paris. These studies included a doctorate in French Studies (DEUF), a master’s degree in Public Law (DEA de Droit Public Intern), a master’s degree in Public Finance and Tax Law (DEA de Finances Publiques et Fiscalite) and a doctorate thesis with the title: “The compulsory collection of taxes in French and Greek law”. Her doctoral thesis was completed in 2003. From 2008 to 2009 she completed a postgraduate course on “Comparative Tax Policy and Administration” at Harvard University. Afterwards, she conducted postdoctoral research in corporate taxation at the University of Athens. She has taught at the University of Athens, the National School of Public Administration and the National School of Judges.